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Irish Eyes - Vol 18

Welcome to this addition of Irish Eyes, 2 June 2013, I hope you enjoy reading it. You can always access earlier volumes of Irish Eyes at the Irish Eyes tab.

This email Irish Eyes has been sent to you as you are a member of the R1b DNA cluster called "Irish Type III".

If you do not wish to receive any further bulletins, please and I will remove you from the distribution list.

Firstly I must apologise for not publishing Irish Eyes for quite some time ... plenty of excuses but again, no real reasons!

Our website at www.irishtype3dna.org/ continues to attract visitors, have another look if you haven't visited for a while as I am sure you will find something more of interest to you.

900 Members

We have now reached the milestone of 900 members in the cluster, and still getting larger. DNA testing continues to attract more people interested in their Genealogy research.

Welcome to the new members, many of whom tested at Ancestry.com, that are receiving this flyer for the first time. (As I have warned before it may not be too regular!)

There many be some people receiving this newsletter for the first time that are not members of this cluster. For this I apologise as I have used FTDNA matches to find members, and while those that are a close match to the modal at 25 and 37 markers are almost certainly part of the cluster, those that only appear as matches with a GD of 5 to 7 at 67 markers may not be. If this is the case please and I will remove you from the distribution list.

Irish Tribes

A series of interesting articles that may be of interest to many, can be found at Irish Tribes, written by Jerry Kelly.

FTDNA Video featuring a member of our cluster, Garry Bryant.

I have a video that was made by the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation (SMGF) at Brigham Young University in Utah, USA in 2009.

I have it in two parts because it is too long for the YouTube video. The first is 18 minutes in length and the second just 8 minutes.

Garry Bryant, a professional genealogist in Utah tells the story about his DNA results.
Garry Bryant O'Brien discovers his family roots with DNA. Video 1. Continues in Video 2.

Explore Irish Identity - Online Course

What appears to be an excellent and free online has started on 26 May and is available from Hibernia College, Dublin. For more information follow This Link

Where did I find our Irish Type III members?

There are various places that can be searched for STR Haplotypes that match the Irish Type III signature. Many people who have tested at FTDNA, DNA Heritage, Ancestry and Sorenson have added their results to the Ysearch database and they appear in the Ysearch total rather than the lab they tested with. It is these results that can be downloaded from the website's Results Page

Until now, I did not publish your results if they have not been added to the Ysearch public database. However, Ysearch is becoming quite unreliable and is often unavailable for weeks at a time. Also it does not publish the full 111 markers.

It has been suggested that having your results available in a FTDNA project makes them publicly available and as I only publish a Surname and never the participant's full name, I will start to add those results that I find in FTDNA projects, into the Irish Type III database which can be seen at the link above.

Email Addresses

If you have recently changed your email address, please let me know so you can continue to receive your copy of Irish Eyes.

Lost Members

If you know any of the men on this webpage, please have them contact me so I can add them to my contact list.

Anonymous at Ancestry?

I still find it hard to understand why anyone would go to the bother and cost of testing at Ancestry and still wish to remain anonymous. How can they expect to find matches and further their genealogy? If you know of any Irish Type III people, please ask they to add their names and contact me. Men identified as Irish Type III so far are:-

FTDNA Matches .. but don't know of Irish Type III

When checking FTDNA matches, I have found many men that are either an exact match to, or a GD=1, or 2, from our modal at 25 markers, or up to a GD=4 at 37 markers. These men are most likely to be Irish Type III but, of course, I am not able to see their markers to confirm.

I have tried to contact many of them via the email address that FTDNA provides, but I am only getting a 50% response. If you know of, or are in contact with any of the following men, I would love to make contact with them as I am sure they are Irish Type III. None of these men have a Ysearch ID.

David George Beedy Jonathan C Bradshaw Robert William Brazil
Willard Brown Chris Bryan John Milton Bryan
Larry Atkins Bryan Philip Clay Bryan Alan Bryant
Dan Bryant Duane Bryant
Robert Lee Bryant Jr. George William Burton Jim Butler
Jess Caine Jr. Dennis Callahan Frank Paul Callahan
Jerry Allen Callahan Irene Cannady James Michael Carey
Ralph Lee Carey James A Carroll Johnny Casey
Sean Casey James Cleary Ralph Anspach Conner
James Patrick Corbett Daniel Edward Corey Richard D. Crawford
Cecil Oliver Crow Douglas Wiley Crow Gene Crow
Granville Leonard Crow Hoyt Crow Kenneth Harley Crow
Robert Crow William A. Crow Christopher James Crowe
James Joseph Crowe Ted C. Crowe David Curry
Dr Julio Cesar Diaz Marshall V Dickson Christopher William Dodd
Christopher James Donnelly Malcolm James Doolin Bernard Thomas Dorcy
Donald Eldridge Downey Jeffrey Michael Drake David Carroll Finn
Charles Fitzgerald James D Flanagan John Paul Flanagan
Terry Flaningam Brenda F Hogan Foutch James Delbert Francis
John Michael Frawley William Elmer Gannon Robert Andrews Gibson
Richard Allan Graham Gina Grant Thomas Joseph Griffin
Charles Lewis Hamilton Donald Scott Harris Thomas Michael Hartigan
Dallas Gray Hayes Christopher Matthew Hennessey Brian Patrick Hogan
David Mark Hogan David Michael Hogan Eamonn Hogan
Timothy Lloyd Hogan Wendell Ray Hogan William Odessa Holloway
William Edward Howden Ronnie Gene Hubbard David Lee Huffman
Charles Isaacson David Ralph James John H James
David Joseph Kane Michael J Kane Martin Vincent Keane
Alan Kelly James Earl Kelly Michael J. Kelly
Frank B. Kennedy Grahame Kennedy Kevin Patrick Kennedy
Michael John Kirby Charles Francis Lloyd Daniel Joseph Lynch
Finnbar Lyons Brian Mack John Thomas Madigan
Stephen Edward Maikell David Roy Malcolm Alanna Malone
Frank Morris Malone Robert Malone Colin Ian Martin
Frank Ebaugh Mason Paul Mitsuru Masuyama Tommy French McCraw
Samuel L McCurry Albert McDaniel James Joseph McDonald
R Shannon McDonald Robert Gerard McDonnell Thomas John McDonnell
Kenton Herford McGraw Jim McHone William Roy McHone
David McInerney Daniel James McKinzey Michael C McNerney
Charles McReynolds Ethan Taylor Medola James Madison Hines Mitchell
David Murphy Peter Douglas Murphy Ralph Ellsworth Nelson
James Joseph O'Brien Kevin John O'Brien Kevin Patterson O'Mara
John K O'Neill Zackary Orr Richard Gerald O'Shea
Thomas Keith Pearce George William Pearson III Howard Sidney Peavy
Geoffrey William Pedersen Leslie Allen Peine Michael Brian Power
Richard Kenneth Randles
Paul Rells Robert Duane Renslow Jr. Richard L Rines Jr.
George L. Roach Kerry Lamar Roach Joseph Wayne Salmons
Lawrence S Savage Raymond Michael Savage Andrew James Shannon
Morris D Shannon Jr. Ross Sheil James Edward Slater
Giles Bernard Slattery Jeffrey Scott Small
Christopher Smith Howard P Smith Robert A. Smith
Bryson Spears William Arthur Sprague Ralph Durwood Thomas
James Joseph Trench Janice Gilbert Vincent Randy Wallace
V. John Wilder Mark Winnett

New FTDNA Universal SNP test

While this test will be useful to many who are for instance L21+, Irish Type III need only test L266 which is much cheaper to order ... see below. Here is the FTDNA announcement.

We are excited to announce that we have updated our Y Chromosome Phylogenetic Tree to reflect new haplogroup sub-branches! Family Tree DNA, in partnership with the YCC, periodically reviews known SNPs in order to evaluate those that meet the requirements to be added to the haplotree. The SNPs that passed this review are now included in the haplotree and considered for deep clade testing.

Along with this update to the tree, we have implemented some changes in the ordering process for deep clade and SNP testing:
We now offer a universal deep clade test for $89. This will identify a customer’s terminal SNP for any haplogroup. If a customer has pending results for a deep clade test, they will automatically be tested according to the new tree.

If a customer has never ordered a deep clade test, they will have the option either to order the universal deep clade for $89 or order individual SNPs from the tree.

Follow these instructions for the new SNP ordering system if you already have results for the first 12 markers of a Y-DNA test–

Log in to your “My FTDNA” page and click the ‘Haplotree’ button.
If you see the words “You Are Eligible For An Upgrade” then click the “Continue for more information” button which will take you to an order page for the Deep Clade test.

Or, if you already have Deep Clade results and do not see the “You Are Eligible For An Upgrade” button, you can click “Continue to Choose SNPs.”
If you do not have any SNPs available to order, an alert box will appear letting you know “You currently have no SNPs available to order.”

Testing SNP L226 and joining the R-L226 Project

The definitive test for our cluster is the SNP L226 which can be ordered from your FTDNA home page for only $29. If you do, you can then join the R-L226 project
As this project is ONLY for those that have tested or at least ordered the SNP L226, please do not request to join until you have at least Ordered this SNP test.

In the R-L226 project there is now a listing of all SNPs that each person has tested for. FTDNA did have a problem that it only recorded the SNPs tested through standard SNP testing and NOT WTY testing. This left Kevin O'Brien (our WTY participant, in whom the L226 SNP was found,) with M269 as his last tested SNP. After appealing to FTDNA, they are adding L226 to Kevin's record in the R-L226 project.


ISOGG has set up a Wiki directed to Genetic Genealogy. Welcome Page
This is a great resource to learn about all facets of genetics. A simple wiki page has been written describing our Irish Type III cluster but more detailed information is to be found on our webpages.

1,000 Year Anniversary of Battle of Clontarf

April 2014 marks the 1,000 year anniversary of the Battle of Clontarf where our forebear, King Brian Ború defeated the Vikings at Clontarf, Dublin, ridding Ireland of their raids and pillaging. King Brian Ború was killed as the battle ended. The Irish Government is planning large celebrations to mark the occasion, and as Irish Type III we are of Brian Ború's patrilineal line and so many will be marking Dublin, Ireland in our diaries as the place to be in April 2014.
I will keep you informed as more is learnt of the Irish Government's plans.

This email, Irish Eyes, has been sent to you as you are a member of the R1b DNA cluster called "Irish Type III".
If you do not wish to receive any further bulletins, please and I will remove you from the distribution list.

Slainte, Dennis Wright