Irish Eyes - Vol 15
Welcome to this addition of Irish Eyes, 08 July 2010, I hope you enjoy reading it.
This email Irish Eyes has been sent to you as you are a member of the R1b DNA cluster called "Irish Type III".
If you do not wish to receive any further bulletins, please
and I will remove you from the distribution list.
Our website at continues to attract visitors, have another look if you haven't visited for a while as I am sure you will find something more of interest to you.
530 Members
It is over 8 months since the last Irish Eyes and I am pleased to be able to report that we now have 530 members in the cluster, and still getting larger. DNA testing contimues to attract more people interested in their Genealogy research.
Welcome to the new members, many of whom tested at, that are receiving this flyer for the first time. (As I have warned before it may not be too regular!)
Website now bedded down
In November 2009 I rewrote the code for the website which had been coded using Microsoft FrontPage. The pages on the website are proving much faster to load as they are smaller files and so operate much more efficiently.
But please email me if you find any links broken or something doesn't work as you think it should.
L226 our defining SNP
Since I last wrote, L226 has proven to be the defining SNP for the Irish Type III cluster and has been acknowledged as such by ISOGG. See ISOGG R-Tree.
We have now 61 Irish Type III men who have tested this SNP and ALL are positive for L226.
I urge you all to test L226 to absolutely confirm your membership of the Irish Type III cluster.
To order L226, Go to your FTDNA Home Page / Order Tests and Upgrades / Order Advanced Tests / SNP then look under "R-L21" and you will find "L226". Check this box to order the L226 SNP. The cost is $29 plus a one-off $9.50 charge to transfer some of your DNA from the Arizona lab to the Houston lab where all advanced testing is done.
Once you order L226, please also join the R-L226 project. Go to the R-L226 Project Page and I will put you in the Pending Group until your result comes in.
Ysearch IDs
If you haven't already done so, please set up a Ysearch ID at
Setting up a Ysearch ID allows others to quickly check for matches in the largest database available to everyone. As you have then published your results publicly, I am able to include them in the results page of the 'Irish Type III' website. I will not post them on the website unless you have a Ysearch record as I will always respect your right to privacy.
We all will, however, get the greatest gains by being prepared to share our information and hence get more and better matches to one another. Those with 67 markers have the added benefit of being included in the Phylogram for our cluster which allows those members to see their nearest genetic relations.
If you do elect to set up a Ysearch ID, be aware that some markers, depending on where you have tested, need conversion as Ysearch reports them differently.
Check on our Conversion Page,
For FTDNA testees, you can transfer your results automatically and the conversions are done for you. Here is FTDNA FAQ on transfer:-
You can upload your Y-DNA results to Ysearch using a link provided in the Y-DNA Matches section of your personal page.
This link is located just above your list of matches and says "Click here to upload to"
Using this link will automatically fill in your Y-DNA results in the "Create a New User page on Ysearch."
Fill in the remaining information that you know and click "Save Information to create your Ysearch account."
Then with your Ysearch ID and I will include your results on the Results page.
New Phylogenetic Tree
Thanks to the efforts of Alex Williamson, A new form of phylogram for our cluster is being shown on our Phylogram page. I think it shows the connections to others of our cluster more clearly than the 'Splitstree' version shown above it. Let me know what you think.
History of Clare and the Dalcassian Clans - Rev Peter White 1893
This long out of print book is available as a free download from This Site.
This is an extensive history of Clare and of the origins and ancestry of the Dalcassian families. While is a very large download, (116Mb) it is free!! and I found it to be an interesting and informative read of the counties of Thomond, and events that have taken place there throughout history.
1,000 Year Anniversary of Battle of Clontarf
April 2014 marks the 1,000 year anniversary of the Battle of Clontarf where our forebear, King Brian Ború defeated the Vikings at Clontarf, Dublin, ridding Ireland of their raids and pillaging. King Brian Ború was killed as the battle ended. The Irish Government is planning large celebrations to mark the occasion, and as Irish Type III we are of Brian Ború's patrilineal line and so many will be marking Dublin, Ireland in our diaries as the place to be in April 2014.
I will keep you informed as more is learnt of the Irish Government's plans.
Reprinting of FTDNA Certificates
I guess I'm the last to know! I just found out that FTDNA are no longer sending out certificates showing your Y-DNA or mtDNA results. Instead they have added a link in the Y-DNA and mtDNA sections where you can print your own certificates. I wish they would let us know when they make these changes.
I think this is a good option. Now I can get a 67 marker certificate to replace my old 25 marker certificate.
This email, Irish Eyes, has been sent to you as you are a member of the R1b DNA cluster called "Irish Type III".
If you do not wish to receive any further bulletins, please
and I will remove you from the distribution list.
Slainte, Dennis Wright